Overlapping Stories | 26th September-30th November 2023

Overlapping Stories solo exhibition from 26th September till 30th November 2023
Overlapping Stories is a solo exhibition for Nadim Karam curated by Purple Roof Public Art as part of the JISP Jing-An International Sculpture Project in Shanghai.
It reveals Nadim Karam’s artistic impulse inhabited with dreams and stories.
The exhibited artworks unfolding across different media bring to life the creative vitality and depth of the relation between the cultural, the human and the natural realms, within traces of memories recounted in a playful and whimsical manner.
Through the abundance of his multi-faceted, symbiotic production, stories will unravel, revealing Karam’s Archaic Procession development from its first occurrence in his paintings as a visual vocabulary to its emergence in different corners of the world, as Urban Toys. The series of black, individual yet inextricably interconnected humanoid-animalesque shapes that became the basis of Karam’s artistic language communicate in an archetypal language that goes beyond borders, cultures, and creeds. The playful imagery and diversity of the elements’ shapes which follow the same course and share the same destiny relates to Karam’s conviction that pluralism and difference within a society is a source of enrichment rather than a reason for conflict.
These stories of encounters responding to multiple challenges and contemporary realities will unfold through “overlapping stories’”, born from the artist’s urge to celebrate life.