Stretching Thoughts

The act of sketching for Karam is a lifelong, almost instinctive practice; not only a tool to express/approach the self and the other, but also to comprehend and configure a relation to personal and external realities. Karam’s work on paper is thus the foundation from which his paintings, sculptures and public art emerge and expand.
‘’For me, says Karam, the creative process is basically a manifestation of the inquisitive mind and human condition through stories, memories and identities, starting always with the stroke of a pencil. Although constantly in doubt, I have the certainty that it is about creating, not destroying. Sometimes, it feels like we are working against the tide, but it just needs persistence; this optimistic act of sketching.’’

Stretching Thoughts series evokes the unlimited potential of the creative mind. Karam has always been fascinated with the human mind, and questions on existence, the origin of thoughts and emotions.

Tracing a line through Karam’s work over the last two decades, the series depicts how the artist constantly re-examines the entanglement of the individual to the collective environment. No matter the themes he tackles, the human mind’s reactions to the eventualities it faces remains ultimately a pivotal point of Karam´s investigations.