
Rusted Steel, Painted Stainless Steel or Stainless Steel

The existential enquiry into being has persistently haunted Karam’s mindscape and permeated his body of work. Visually articulated through various mediums and modes of expression, it has underpinned all the major themes he has explored, such as conflicts, migration, intense emotions and ultimately the paradox of life versus death.

Drawing from his experience of life in a region where the specter of war is ever-present, Karam explores existentialism through his distinctive brand of humanism intertwined with absurdity. In To Be or Not to Be, the dynamics of exchange of the self with the ‘other’ are explored as a means to confront our deepest questions and most intimate fears.

Developed from a selection of his sketches drawn over the years, Karam’s manipulation of the raw, rusted steel imparts a sense of fragility to the works that challenges their imposing presence. The bases of the sculptures are composed of fragments of steel remaining from the fabrication process, prompting us to confront a reality that often feels disjointed and fragmented, but from which we can construct meanings.

Layers Untold, 2023 | Rusted Steel | 300 x 230 cm
Mother Ancho, 2023 Rusted Steel, 210x170x180 cm
Vitruvius Liberated, 2023 Rusted Steel, 230 x 125 cm
My Heart is Yours, 2023 Rusted Steel, 250 x 170 cm
Soothsayer, 2023 Rusted Steel, 230 x 160 cm
Gen Z, 2023 Painted Stainless Steel, 262 x 145 cm
Inner Struggle, 2023 Rusted Steel, 230 x 205 cm
Bloomin Great, 2023 Painted Stainless Steel, 240 x 160 cm
Hold Me, 2023 Rusted Steel, 220 x 130 cm
Am I?, 2023 Painted Stainless Steel, 285 x 122 cm
Blown Away, 2023 Stainless Steel and Rusted Steel, 290 x 150 cm
Cry Baby Cry, 2023 Rusted Steel, 380 x 180 cm
In the Balance, 2023 Rusted Steel, 205 x 160 cm
Fly Away, 2023 Rusted Steel, 295 x 165 cm